
I don't quite understand why I can get more work accomplished when there is a personal crisis, but I suppose that I should be happy that I have an outlet.
The first piece, Lonely Chair, was done shortly after visiting Italy. The second painting, Empty Chairs, was finished about two weeks ago (late April 2008). I never figured on painting chairs again. I usually turned to chairs in interior spaces when I was alone, had no model, or was stuck...

I guess that I shouldn't listen to the Beatles so much.
I like the chair paintings. I like the compositions, and colors, and the shoes thrown on the floor.
I still listen to the Beatles a lot, and I totally relate to getting more work done in the studio in the midst of other anxieties.
If you can spare a day away (I know it's tough), you should try and come down for Artomatic or go to a museum with me.
this is the Fred I remember most.
after looking through the blog, and absorbing, in a tiny way, your huge collection of work, I am impressed and nostalgic.
I lingered on this painting, and the ones that came after. it reminds me so much of the past.
You were having very personal challenges then, as I recall, and the Beatles were part of your solace.
Time doesn't change people so much.
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