Friday, May 17, 2013

Garland, Jess II

Garland, Jess II  48" x 36" oil on canvas painting.
I am trying to complete this before my one-person show at YorkArts which opens on June 6 (D-Day).  

The pieces in this show will cover a span of over twenty-five years and encompass my major subject areas:  the figure, the studio-interior, chairs, and the still-life. Since my sensibility is autobiographical, these pieces tend reflect my surroundings and experiences. I usually work from direct observation, but I also use memories and conversation as departure points for both paintings and drawings. I have noticed that, over time, this body of work often references itself through specific aspects of subject, color, composition, and even particularities such as patterns and brushwork. I like duality in both form and content: ambiguity and clarity; color and draftsmanship; manufactured and natural. I am currently working on a series of figure paintings and interiors.

It is progressing very slow and steady.